Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Email option "off the table" for Clinton


News with a Twist

Clinton camp looking at future messaging options

Email disaster leads to complete evaluation of how communication will be handled going forward

Stung by both the recent James Comey announcement that emails found on former, disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner’s computer might be relevant to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server as well as the constant drip of campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails from WikiLeaks, Clinton insiders are exploring communication options when she becomes president.

“Around the Block” has learned exclusively that staffers have compiled a list of potential communications alternatives and are poised to present the options to Mrs. Clinton and other senior members of her inner circle on November 9, the day after the election. While not complete, as of this writing, the following is what they are considering:

Communication Option
Smoke Signals
Messages dissipate over time, can't be reviewed; no possible subpoenas
Don’t need fancy equipment
Only “hackable” if hacker is looking at the smoke
Might be fun building fires
Limited, line of sight range
Less useful after sunset
Can’t use on “Spare the Air” days
Similar to smoke regarding dissipation/review and subpoenas
Only “hackable” if hacker is listening when drums beat
Work day and night in all kinds of weather
Drums with decent range are expensive
Even best drums have limited range
Message can be muddled if sent in vicinity of a rock concert
Carrier Pigeons
Long-ish range (for a bird)
Can be deployed from any rooftop
Less vulnerable to hackers
Bird seed is cheap

Bird poop is disgusting
Vulnerable to shotguns, rifles and drones
Skinny bird legs limit message length

Cans Attached by String
Safe from hackers, sniffers, listening devices, etc.
Really cheap
Added benefit: you can eat or drink the contents before deploying system

Welch’s Frozen Grape Juice cans work best but hard to find nowadays
Correspondents need to be in the same room
"Can you hear me now?" problems: Clarity may be spotty if string isn’t taut enough

While there has been no final decision on which method of communication will be deployed, it has been unequivocally determined that email is not being considered. According to one Clinton staffer, speaking on the condition of anonymity, “One thing is for sure – we’ll never use email again. I mean, do you think we’re that stupid?”

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