Tuesday, September 20, 2016

RoxBox Co. says Trump Jr. comparison to box of rocks "hurtful"


News with a Twist

Trump Jr. Compares Refugees to Skittles

He’s “Dumb as a Box of Rocks” says Clinton Super Pac

The New York Times reported today that Donald Trump Jr. is facing intense backlash on social media after he posted a message on Twitter Monday night that compared Syrian refugees to a bowl of Skittles sprinkled with a few that “would kill you.”

According to the Times, Mr. Trump, a top adviser in his father’s presidential campaign, appeared to suggest that the nation was faced with a blind selection process in which a few potentially poisoned pieces would be lurking among the thousands of Syrians fleeing a brutal five-year-old civil war.

Reaction to the tweet was swift.

In a statement, Wrigley, the owner of Skittles, said, “Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don’t feel it’s an appropriate analogy. We will respectfully refrain from further commentary as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing.”

Referring to the Trump Jr. tweet, the Super Pac “Donald Trump, Really?” which supports Hillary Clinton, said, “This latest tweet from Donald Trump Jr., one of his father’s most senior and valued advisers, goes to show that he is ‘dumb as a box of rocks’ and nothing he, or the campaign, for that matter, says, should be taken seriously.

In a swift rebuke of the Super Pac statement however,  RoxBoxTM, owner of the world’s most popular range of boxes of rocks said, “We are extremely chagrined by the “Donald Trump, Really?” Super Pac contention that Donald Trump Jr. is ‘dumb as a box of rocks.’ For too long boxes of rocks have been disparaged and denigrated. But this is a new low. To characterize a box of rocks to be as dumb as Donald Trump Jr. is hurtful and an historic belittlement.We look for the “Donald Trump, Really?” Super Pac to immediately and unequivocally disavow their comparison.”

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