Friday, September 9, 2016

Gary Johnson gaffe results in debate invite


News with a Twist

Libertarian Gary Johnson to participate in Presidential Debates

Commission waives polling rule based on candidate’s Aleppo comments

In an unprecedented move, the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has waived its historic fifteen percent polling threshold for inclusion in the debates by inviting Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson to participate in the first debate to be held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY on September 26.

Although Mr. Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico, is polling at less than 10% in most major polls, the CPD decided to invite the candidate to the debate based on his performance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program on Thursday.

On the program, Mr. Johnson appeared not to know where Aleppo, Syria is or anything about the refugee crisis occurring there:

“What would you do if you were elected about Aleppo?” MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” panelist Mike Barnicle asked the former New Mexico governor during an in-studio interview.

And what is Aleppo?” Johnson responded.

“You’re kidding,” a stunned Barnicle replied, to which Johnson answered that he was not.

Barnicle explained that Aleppo is “the epicenter of the refugee crisis” in Syria, giving Johnson enough information to finally answer the question.

“Okay, Got it.”

In making the determination to include Mr. Johnson, CPD executive director Janet H. Brown said that the commission had been concerned that given Donald Trump’s “lack of knowledge” on any of the issues to be covered at the debate it might be impossible for any moderator to oversee a substantive, even-handed discussion but rather host, as the New York Times editorial board opined, “a disaster waiting to happen.”

“It is now clear that in Mr. Johnson we have found a candidate even less informed than Donald Trump,” Ms. Brown said in a written statement. “ Mr. Johnson’s ineptitude will take some pressure off the moderator, Lester Holt, who without Mr. Johnson’s presence, would be forced to constantly challenge Mr. Trump’s assertions. Now Mr. Holt can simply turn to Mr. Johnson, ask a question and push back with ‘Really?’ or to paraphrase Mr. Barnicle, 'Are you kidding?'.”

In another unprecedented move the CPD announced that the September debate would, for the first time in CPD history, be titled. “Given the caliber of the participating candidates, we have decided to call this first debate “Dumb, Dumber and Hillary,” Ms. Brown said.

There was no response from the Green Party regarding the CPD’s decision to include Mr. Johnson but not their candidate, Jill Stein, who is polling at about 4%.

Ms. Stein is believed to be on the run as a fugitive from justice after arrest warrants were issued for both Stein and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka for criminal trespassing and mischief at a demonstration against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Regarding the U.S. presidential events of the day, Russian comedian and Vladimir Putin (and, by extension, Donald Trump) buddy, Yakov Smirnoff commented, “What a country!”

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