Saturday, April 29, 2017

Spicer claims 39-star flag represents Trump states

Satire from Ted Block


News with a Twist

Trump uses Twitter to wish Melania “Happy Birthday”

Tweet uses American flag with only 39 stars

This past week, Melania Trump celebrated her birthday. And like most loved ones do on their spouse's birthday, Donald Trump took to Twitter to send his best wishes to his wife.

The only problem is that the flag he used in his tweet only had 39 stars, not the 50 stars representing the 50 U.S. states.

While many commentators thought this was simply an error by the White House graphics department which perhaps pulled the wrong image – there actually was an abandoned 39-star design for the American flag created in 1889 when it was assumed that the Dakotas would enter the Union as one state – not so said White House spokesman Sean Spicer, in a press briefing.

“The 39-star flag is what the president wants the country to be Trump states. He’s simply fed up with all those states that don’t support him…you know who I mean California and New York and all those other coastal elite places. So why not show how he feels with an American flag that represents the real America, the 39 states that voted for him,” Spicer announced.

When ABC’s Jonathan Karl reminded Spicer at the presser that Trump won 30 states, not 39, Spicer chastised Karl for spreading “fake news,” and said that the real number is 39, not 30, and that the White House will be “revealing the results of its own investigation of massive voter fraud in nine states soon."

Spicer closed the briefing by reiterating that the crowds for the inauguration were the biggest in the history of the presidency and that Hitler never used chemical weapons on his people.

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