Monday, December 21, 2015

Hillary Passes Trump as Biggest Liar


News with a Twist

New Poll: Hillary Passes Trump as Biggest Liar  

In a new ABC/CBS/NBC/NY Times/Washington Post/Wall Street Journal poll released minutes after Hillary Clinton claimed that Donald Trump "is becoming ISIS' best recruiter" saying, "they are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists", Clinton passed Trump as the biggest liar in the eyes of the electorate.

Clinton's statement, made during Saturday's Democratic debate has created a furor among the six people who actually watched the debate as well as Trump himself, who has demanded an apology from Clinton. In his demand for an apology, Trump said, "She lies about Whitewater. She lies about everything. She will be a disaster as president of the United States."

Although the reliable fact-checker Politifact claims that there is "no evidence for Hillary Clinton's claim that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump as a recruiting tool", the Clinton campaign response to Trump's demand was a demonstrative, "hell no, she won't apologize". Further clarifying Clinton's remarks, her communications director claimed, "she's not referring to a specific video, but he is being used in social media by ISIS as propaganda", despite the fact that Clinton actually did say, "they are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims..." 

In an attempt to take the the initiative back, the Clinton campaign demanded an apology from Trump for his statement that "she lies about everything". As Clinton spokesperson, Lyle Littlechurch said, "it is clear that Mr. Trump overstated his case". Littlechurch went on to say, "While it is true that Mrs. Clinton lies about many things, we unequivocally reject the idea that she lies about everything."

The poll numbers themselves are telling. Overall 63% of those surveyed consider Clinton to be the biggest liar (up from 58% before the debate) while Trump's numbers held steady at 61%. When looked at on straight party lines however, there's a different picture: Among Democrats the numbers for biggest liar are Hillary 12%, Trump 92%; while among Republicans it's Hillary 99%, Trump 2%. 

At this point, no other candidate has entered the fray except Carly Fiorina who claims to have seen the video and, in the spirit of gender solidarity, backs Clinton up.


admom said...

In other news, Debbie Wasserman Shultz admits the DNC is "feeding lies" to Hilary showing undue favoritism, in order to boost her "bigger liar" status so as to gain in the pols. Admits consulting with Trump campaign aides.

Ted said...

Wouldn't put it past DWS who's proving to be an outstanding HRC, er DNC, chair.

Bruce & Marijo said...

I think you are making shit up.

Ted said...

Bruce, thanks for the feedback. I think you've uncovered the essence of satire...have enough "truthiness" to get started and then make shit up that has enough plausibility to give pause. But now that you've caught me, I have to admit Lyle Littlechurch is not really a Clinton spokesperson.