Tuesday, October 29, 2019

25 years ago, Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric debated @. And how odd "Violence at NBC sounded"


Flashback Edition

TODAY discovers the internet

What is Internet?
Back in 1994, the TODAY anchor team of Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric asked an honest question: “What is Internet?”

Way back in 1994, 25 years ago, then Today Show anchors Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric were flummoxed by “internet.”
And, what “@” meant.

Bryant: That little mark, with the “a” and the circle around it. "At?" Katie thought it was “about."

Katie: Or “around.”
Do you remember? If you do remember, did you know what they were talking about?
But, in the most prescient part of the segment, given what’s going on at NBC now (Matt Lauer, Ronan Farrow’s new book “Catch and Kill”), Bryant exemplified the “@” with this:

Bryant: And then it sounded stupid when I said it, “Violence at NBC. See there it is, violence at NBC GEcom." I mean, what is internet anyway. 

Bryant, I don't know where you are now (wait, wait, don't tell me, HBO's Real Sports), but you'd be interested in this: today (no pun intended) we have "#NBCcoverup."
Here's the link to that 1994 segment: 

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