Saturday, April 27, 2019

We shall overcome Trump. We have survived worse.


I learned today

I learned today from a heartfelt column by the Washington Post's Dana Milbank and quotes from Civil Rights icon, Representative John Lewis, that despite Trump's excesses, lies and overall bad governance and despite how appalling we believe things are in Trump’s America, “As bad as things are now, we’ve gone through much worse.”

Dana Milbank: "We hear in Trump a refined version of (Birmingham Sheriff Bull) Connor and (Selma Sheriff Jim) Clark and (Alabama Governor) George Wallace as he exploits racial fears that have always been with us." 

John Lewis: “Whatever he tries to do, he cannot take us back. During the next few weeks and months and next year, there will be some setbacks. But the American people are not going back.”

Reason for hope? Let’s hope!

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