Monday, May 16, 2016

Trump takes O'Reilly advice to name cabinet to solidify mainstream support


News with a Twist

Trump begins filling cabinet positions

List includes allies and former rivals

In a recent phone interview with Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, Donald Trump was asked about potential cabinet members in a Trump administration.

O’Reilly’s reason for opening up the question of cabinet appointees was based on his belief that one way Trump could solidify mainstream Republican support would be to line up the cabinet before the convention to demonstrate his administration’s seriousness.

In the interview, only three positions were discussed: former New York mayor and 9/11 devotee, Rudolph Giuliani, for Secretary of Homeland Security, New Jersey governor and former (self-described greatest) federal prosecutor, Chris Christie, for Attorney General, and retired neurosurgeon and former somnolent presidential candidate, Ben Carson, for Secretary of Health and Human Services.

While Mr. Trump agreed that each of these men would be “very good choices in very good positions,” he said that he wasn’t quite prepared yet to be choosing cabinet members.

In the days following the talk with O’Reilly however, Around the Block has learned exclusively that Trump took the conversation to heart and has drawn up a list of potential major cabinet appointees for the other departments.

According the Trump campaign, the following is a virtually certain list of a Trump appointees.

Secretary of State Sheldon Adelson
The casino mogul, who has promised to “spend whatever it takes” to get Trump elected is the choice for the State Department due to his unfettered support of Israel and his agreement with Trump's ban on foreign Muslims entering the U.S. As Secretary of State, Adelson would have total control over entry into the U.S. and would be in the best position to enforce Trump’s “no-Muslim” rule. In addition, Adelson would use his influence as secretary and his relationships with the Jewish mob in Israel to assist Trump in building the huge Trump Casino - Dead Sea.

Secretary of Defense Ted Cruz
Despite the animosity for each other Trump and Cruz developed during the primary campaign, Trump is said to be intrigued by the senator’s hawkish views, particularly his statement regarding “carpet bombing” ISIS” until we can “find out if sand can glow in the dark.”

Secretary of the Treasury – Herman Cain
Cain, now nearly forgotten, but who was a one-time front-runner when he ran for the Republican nomination for president in 2012, is most famous for his “9-9-9” tax plan. The plan has always been a favorite of Trump’s because with it, audits, and the IRS, would be eliminated so there would be one-less thing for him to worry about when he is president.

Secretary of Energy – Sarah Palin
Without question, the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential nominee is the best choice for the Energy Department given her recent comments on the job. 
"I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby ... And if I were head of that, I would get rid of it. And I would let the states start having more control over the lands that are within their boundaries and the people who are affected by the developments within their space. So, you know, if I were in charge of that, it would be a short-term job. But it would be — it would be really great to have someone who knows energy and is pro-responsible development to be in charge.”

Secretary of the Interior – Sarah Palin
Since Ms. Palin, as Energy Secretary, would quickly disband the Department of Energy, Trump believes he can also nominate her to be Interior Secretary as well, particularly given that her views on Interior’s role on managing natural resources are in line with conventional Republican thinking as reflected in her statement:
 "...oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind's use, instead of relying on unfriendly foreign nations for us to import their resources."

Beyond this list certain, final decisions on other cabinet level appointees have not been finalized. But, Around the Block has learned that several people are under consideration for a number of different positions:

Carly Fiorina for either Commerce Secretary for her record as CEO of HP, or Education Secretary for her successful educational use of discredited videos;

Any available former Wal-Mart CEO for Secretary of Labor for the ability to keep both full employment in Asia and company labor costs under control by ensuring that employee wages, benefits and bathroom breaks are as limited as possible;

For Housing and Urban Development, given their learning at the feet of the greatest urban developer in the history of the world, and in an unprecedented move, HUD will be led by three people simultaneously, Trump’s oldest children, Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric;

Florida governor Rick Scott for Transportation Secretary, based on his work in killing public high-speed rail in Florida with the backing of the Koch brothers;

Michigan governor Rick Snyder whose work polluting the drinking water in Flint makes him a shoo-in for EPA Administrator, if he is not indicted for criminal negligence. In that event Oklahoma senator and climate change denier James Inhoffe will get the EPA nod;

If he’s not chosen as the vice-presidential candidate, former Texas governor Rick Perry for Secretary of Agriculture for his spirited defense of the meat product called "pink slime" the food item, he contends, that has been an important part of the American diet for 20 years.

Finally, we have also learned that Trump will not consider naming either a UN Ambassador or a U.S. Trade Representative as he intends to pull the U.S. out of the UN and eliminate all trade deals going forward.

1 comment:

Elliot DeBear said...

Ted, this stuff is terrific. Very much enjoy your blog. Keep it up.