Friday, July 13, 2012

Mitt Romney's Character

I learned today that Mitt Romney's explanation of his situation with Bain, when he left and what he controlled, is driven not by the facts but by what is politically advantageous to him.

Rather than try to explain the whole story myself, I encourage you read this piece by Steve Kornacki of Salon and MSNBC's The Cycle. It is to the point and exposes Romney's true character.

So, let's see. Romney actively invested in a Chinese company whose main reason for being was to take U.S. manufacturing jobs, fabricates his resume to provide a cover story to show he wasn't responsible for that investment, uses the fabricated resume to explain that he wasn't involved in a company that eliminated hundreds of jobs, and off-shores his money to the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Swiss banks but won't release his tax returns to show the details of that off-shoring. Is there more?

And this is the man who has an even chance to become President of the United States?

The country deserves better than this.

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