Saturday, November 11, 2023



Around the Block is changing web hosts 2

After several years using WordPress as the host of Around the Block, my frustrations with the site requires that I switch to a new host. Normal functions on WordPress breakdown constantly requiring me to spend more time devising work-arounds. The compositional frustrations using a broken system, combined their rejection of my ads for my a few of my posts for no apparent reason has led me to search for new host.

Regarding ads: I want to clarify the reason for advertising my posts which I explained in a past post:

There is a chance that you did not see that post. If you didn’t, here’s why. Several months ago I began advertising Around the Block through a program that my site host offers. While I have many subscribers to this blog, my goal was to see if I could increase my audience beyond those regular subscribers. This was not an attempt to make money. In fact, not only do I pay for these ads, I don’t receive anything from publishing Around the Block except the satisfaction that my thoughts, ideas and opinions are shared with others. Guess what? The advertising works! Since I’ve begun advertising, my readership has increased demonstrably. (I guess as a retired ad guy I shouldn’t sound so surprised.) But once in a while ads are rejected for no apparent reason and no explanation. The post is question was rejected. This post you are reading will be submitted for advertising. Hopefully it will be approved. (By the way, the new post was accepted)

The site you're now on, Google's "," was my original host. I will use it in the interim until I find a better alternative. 

The apologize in advance for any confusion and will up date on where Around the Block will land and how you can access it.

Thanks for your support,


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