Sunday, January 3, 2016

Trump to make America strong again through unsigning and vetoing


News with a Twist

Trump to “Unsign” Obama Executive Order

Promises to veto everything Obama has done

CNN reported today that in an interview with CBS News, Donald Trump on Saturday vowed to "unsign" President Barack Obama's plans to tighten gun control via executive action, telling a packed rally in Biloxi, Mississippi, that he would protect the right to bear arms. “The Second Amendment, it’s so great to me,” Trump said at the rally. “We’re not changing the Second Amendment."

"There's an assault on the Second Amendment. You know Obama's going to do an executive order and really knock the hell out of it," Trump said. "You know, the system's supposed to be you get the Democrats, you get the Republicans, and you make deals. He can't do that. He can't do that. So he's going to sign another executive order having to do with the Second Amendment, having to do with guns. I will veto. I will unsign that so fast."

When asked how exactly he would “unsign” an Obama executive order, Trump said, “I’ll just unsign it with my unsigning pen. There’s nothing special about unsigning. In fact, I’ve already told my people to order thousands of unsigning pens because I intend to unsign everything Obama has ever done and then give the pens out to my most loyal supporters which they can use to unsign anything they don't agree with.”

When asked to elaborate on his comment about how the system is supposed to be getting Democrats and Republicans together to make deals, Trump said, “Obviously, Obama hasn’t read my book, The Art of the Deal, the best-selling business book of all time. If he had read it he would have known that if you have two groups who completely disagree about everything, all you need to do is to get them in a room and make a deal. It couldn’t be easier. Just get them in a room and make a deal,” going on to say, "Obama is weak. If he was on Apprentice, he would have been fired in the first round."

Regarding his promise to not only unsign Obama’s executive order but to also veto it, Trump, when asked if he understood what a veto is said,  “Of course, I know what a veto is.  A veto is huge. When you don’t like something someone like Obama does, you veto it, you know, you just veto it.” When told that a veto actually is "the power or right vested in one branch of a government to cancel or postpone the decisions, enactments, etc., of another branch, especially the right of a president, governor, or other chief executive to reject bills passed by the legislature",   Trump shot back, “I’m not interested in all this technical, constitutional stuff, except when it comes to the Second Amendment. I’m just interested in being a president who’s strong, not weak, a president that wants to make America great again. So, if that means when I’m president I’ll have to veto everything Obama did, I’ll do that, just veto everything he’s done.”

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