Thursday, January 14, 2016

Clinton attacks backfire as money flows in to Sanders


News with a Twist

Clinton Attacks on Sanders Unintended Consequences 

Even Chelsea gets into the act 

The Washington Post reported today that following the Hillary Clinton campaign’s new negative barrage against Bernie Sanders, the Sanders campaign is seeing a surge in contributions. This led underdog, but undefined, socialist Sanders to say to Clinton, “Bring it on. We’ve never done so well.”

Sanders’s email appeals are taking advantage of the Clinton offensive, calling them “vicious and coordinated attacks” on Sanders’s health-care plan.

According to campaign sources, since Clinton began the attacks Sanders in taking in money at four times the previous average daily rate. 
As polls in both Iowa and New Hampshire show the race between Clinton and Sanders tightening, some analysts believe the Clinton camp is panicking. “Why else would they truck out Chelsea,” said one pundit, referring to Clinton daughter, Chelsea Clinton.

In a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Chelsea Clinton severely criticized Sanders’s position on health-care, saying, “Senator Sanders wants to dismantle Obamacare, dismantle the [Children’s Health Insurance Program], dismantle Medicare and dismantle private insurance.”

Ms. Clinton, who clearly did not fall far from the Clinton tree, failed to mention, in a classic example of Clinton disingenuousness, that Sanders is proposing replacing all that with a single-payer system in which all heath care would be financed through the government. Single-payer health-care (also known as universal health-care) has long been a cherished hope of liberals who have argued that Obamacare did not go far enough.

Hillary Clinton, at one time a strong supporter of universal health-care, now seems to believe that such a plan is unfeasible. It is possible that her pivot on health-care might be influenced by the almost $3 million she’s made in speeches to the health-care industry from 2013-2015.

Clinton family attacks on Sanders appear to be working…for Sanders. According to the Sanders campaign, when Bill attacks Sanders, campaign donations increase by 73%, while when Chelsea makes the attack the increase is 62%.

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