Monday, August 29, 2016

Stress of running with Trump causing Pence's hair to change color


News with a Twist

Pence’s defense of Trump causing rare hair color syndrome

Melanocyte hyper switch-on causing VP candidate's hair to darken

Many observers on the campaign trail are beginning to notice something very unusual --Republican vice-presidential candidate Mike Pence’s hair is getting darker.

While it is common for the hair of individuals under high stress or duress to turn gray, a phenomenon known as ‘melanocyte switch-off’, it is very rare for the opposite condition, ‘melanocyte hyper switch-on,’ causing natural gray or white hair, which Pence has, to become darker.

The traditional role for a vice-presidential candidate is to play the ‘attack dog’ role, making over the top claims in order to allow the person at the top of the ticket to remain above the fray. But in this election Governor Pence has had to spend almost all his time defending and explaining GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s most outrageous statements and tweets.

This role, according to dermatologist and melanocyte switch-off/on expert Dr. Cosmos Topper, is clearly causing Pence to suffer from an extreme case of melanocyte hyper switch-on.

In recent weeks, Pence has had to explain several of Mr. Trump’s statements, including:

·       Defending Trump’s assertion that he will receive “95% of the African American vote” by saying Trump has a “good heart” and calling him a “truth teller;”

·       Saying Trump is “telling it like it is” when he questioned opponent Hillary Clinton’s health by saying “she sleeps most of the day” and doesn’t have the “stamina to be president;”

·       Suggesting that Trump’s call for help in stopping “crooked Hillary from rigging this election” is no laughing matter as voter fraud is running rampant in America;”

·       Saying that “nothing has changed about Donald Trump’s position on immigration” when no one inside or outside the campaign has any idea what Donald Trump’s position on immigration is.

“Look, I’m an expert on melanocyte not politics. But when you have someone who has to say the things that Mike Pence has had to say, it’s not surprising that even as rare a condition as melanocyte hyper switch-on would rear it's ugly head,” said Dr. Topper. 

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